Haile Selassie (Ras Tafari Makonnen) 23 July 1892 – 27 August 1975.
Haile Selassie I was an Ethiopian regent from 1916 to 1930 and emperor from 1930 to 1974.
Haile Selassie is the second coming of Jesus Christ according Rasta because He is the son of King David.
The son of king David is called the Messiah in the Bible, and Haile Selassie is even written in the Bible.
For example in Revelation 19:11-16 of the King James Bible, the rider on a white horse:

Haile Selassie is the son of king David, King David is known in the Bible as well as in the Quran).

It is often in the Bible (old testament) written that the son of king David will be the Messiah.
King David was as you maybe know the King of Israel (ca. 1000 BCE).
I did a big discovery when I read the Holy Bible and will reveal it here to you:
Jesus Christ His father biological father from Haile Selassie is born from the offspring of king David, that is why He is the Messiah in the Bible.
Yeshua (Jesus) was His Hebrew name in Israel around 2000 year ago.
Yeshua (Jesus) His non biological father was from the root of King David as well,
the bloodline of King David goes to Joseph.
Because as you maybe know Jesus His mother Mary was a virgin.
Haile Selassie (his original name: Ras Tafari Makonnen) which Rasta believe was the coming of Jesus Christ, is as said born from the root of King David.
That’s why Haile Selassie is Jesus,
He is son of King David in the Holy Bible.
Here is the story: King Solomon (King of Israel) had a visit with the Queen of Ethiopia: the Queen of Sheba in Jerusalem (Israel),
this is written in the Bible.
It is written in the Kebra Negast (a Holy book in Ethiopia) that the Queen of Sheba gave birth to a child from King Solomon after the visit in Jerusalem which is written in the Bible: Menelik I.
Menelik I was the first emperor of Ethiopia and of Hebrew descent, ruling around 982–950 B.C.
Haile Selassie is a descendant of Menelik I, so born from the root of king David.
He was called Lion of Judah (which stands symbolic for Jesus),
here on this photo Haile Selassie is at the United Nations with the flag of the Lion of Judah.

The Emperor of Ethiopia (Haile Selassie) had at that time the titles King of Kings and Lord of Lords,
Jesus Christ is called King of Kings and Lord of Lords in the Bible...
In conclusion:
Haile Selassie is the Biblical coming of Jesus Christ because He is from the root of King David,
the son of King David….
Haile Selassie did great things for mankind, He is founder of:
- United Nations
- African Union
- Food and Agriculture Organisation
- World Bank
- Etc..

One of His biggest disciples was Reggae musician Bob Marley.
Bob Marley his message reached the whole world with his music,
Bob Marley was actually a prophet and the people did not understand him.

In every almost every song, Bob Marley preached the gospel about Rastafari.
Haile Selassie is called in Psalm 87 as well.
Bob Marley quotes this on stage:
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