Category: Bible (Page 1 of 3)

Was Haile Selassie the incarnation of Jesus Christ

Haile Selassie (Ras Tafari Makonnen) 23 July 1892 – 27 August 1975.

Haile Selassie I was an Ethiopian regent from 1916 to 1930 and emperor from 1930 to 1974.

Haile Selassie is the second coming of Jesus Christ according Rastafarians because He is the son of King David.

One of His biggest disciples was Reggae musician Bob Marley

Haile Selassie is considered as the son of king David, King David is known in the Bible as well as in the Quran).

It is often in the Bible (old testament) written that the son of king David will be the Messiah.

King David was as you maybe know the King of Israel (ca. 1000 BCE).

I did a big discovery when I read the Holy Bible and will reveal it here to you: Jesus Christ is born twice from the root of king David.

Yeshua (Jesus) was His Hebrew name in Israel around 2000 year ago. 

Yeshua (Jesus) is born from the root of King David, the bloodline of King David goes to Jesus His father Joseph. 

Haile Selassie (his original name: Ras Tafari Makonnen) wich Rastafarians believe is the second coming of Jesus Christ, is also born from the root of King David.

That’s why Haile Selassie I is Jesus, He is son of King David in the Bible. 

Here is the story: King Solomon (King of Israel) had a visit and sex with the Queen of Ethiopia: Queen of Sheba.

Solomon gave Queen of Sheba a son: Menelik I.

Menelik I was the first emperor of Ethiopia and of Hebrew descent, ruling in the 10th century BC.

Haile Selassie is a descendant of Menelik I, so born from the root of king David.

In conclusion: Haile Selassie is the Biblical second coming of Jesus Christ because He is from the root of King David.

Haile Selassie did great things for mankind, He is one of the founders of:

  • United Nations
  • African Union
  • Food and Agriculture Organisation
  • World Bank
  • Etc..

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because together, with the help of God, we can create Heaven on Earth.

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Every human being should be able to go to the International Court of Justice

The World Government Movement believes every human being should be able to go the International Court of Justice for a case that is not internationally justified by law.

If an individual is not treated right in their own country by the court in their country everyone should be able to go to the highest court, wich should be the International Court of Justice.

 Michael Maas: “Every human being should be able to go the International Court of Justice for a case that is not internationally justified by law”.

Join the World Government Movement if you believe that we can create a Heaven on Earth if we work together.

Kind regards,

 Michael Maas

Founder World Government Movement

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Let us create Heaven on Earth!

Jesus Christ will return to reign over the world government.

The World Government Movement believes Jesus will return to reign over the coming world government.

Almost every country is gathered at the United Nations General Assembly (193 countries), and we believe Jesus Christ will return soon to guide these world leaders and lead us to a Paradise on Earth.

According the Bible, Jesus Christ will reign over all nations, so this might be true.

It is written in Isaiah 9:6 that Jesus will rule the world government:

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

Isaiah 9:6

To our conclusion this means one governmenta world government.

Jesus will advise and be a mediator for all world leaders, because Jesus is called wonderful counsellor and mediator between God and mankind.

As written before, we see the United Nations general assembly (193 countries) as the beginning of the world government.

The signs of Jesus Christ His return in the Bible are happening, for example in Matthew 24 6:8 KJV:

And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

All these are the beginning of sorrows.

The world government movement believes the coronavirus is one of these pestelinces as written in Matthew 24.

On the photo above Jesus Christ is shaking hands with the United Nations chief Antonio Guterres.

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Vladimir Putin: the West provokes war with Russia on Tuesday 1 Feb.

Russian President Vladimir Putin accused the West on Tuesday of deliberately creating a scenario designed to lure it into war and ignoring Russia’s security concerns over Ukraine.

As tensions rise:

“Let’s imagine Ukraine is a NATO member and starts these military operations.

Are we supposed to go to war with the NATO bloc?

Has anyone given that any thought?

Apparently not,” Putin said.

The World Government Movement believes both parties must seek peace!

To be continued…

We must act now to prevent more devastating consequences of climate change.

Storms, heat waves, rising sea levels, melting glaciers and warming oceans can directly harm animals, destroy the places they live, and wreak havoc on people’s livelihoods and communities.

As climate change worsens, dangerous weather events are becoming more frequent or severe.

New research estimates that a worldwide planting programme could remove two-thirds of all the emissions that have been pumped into the atmosphere by human activities’.

According research planting trees worldwide wil cool down the planet:

Tree planting ‘has mind-blowing potential’ to tackle climate crisis.

Planting trees to tackle climate crisis.

The World Leaders (United Nations) must act now.

Be aware of this:

the consequences of the greenhouse gas emissions on the planet are not only devastating but an electric car is on the long term much cheaper!

Compare what you pay for oil and what you will pay for electricity.

Think about that.

We have to produce more renewable energy, effective as possible.

In my research solar panels are the most efficient because we make than better as well, we will improve the efficiency.

In my foundings (if there is a better way we will find out) the most productive way to generate renewable energy is to create more what they call ‘solar farms‘.

Here more about the efficiency of solar farms:


Solar Farms

We can not change this in 1 day of course, but the world leaders (United Nations) must do more!

Join the World Government Movement if you believe that we can create a Heaven on Earth if we work together.

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Let us create Heaven on Earth!

Kind regards, Michael Maas

Founder World Government Movement

Total world military was spending around $2 trillion in 2021.

The countries of our world is spending more and more money for military budgets.

In 2021 the total military spending of all countries was around 2 trillion dollar!

The World Government Movement is not happy with that, because we want Heaven on Earth!

With 2 trillion dollar we can do a lot of good things for the world!

The World Government Movement already proposed a UN de-weaponize treaty.

We want a world without weapons and we want world peace!

World Peace

We believe we must stop making war and start making peace with each other…

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Can cannabis prevent COVID infection and prevent the coronavirus from mutation?

Can the cannabis compounds CBDA and CBGA prevent COVID infection and prevent the coronavirus from mutating?

Smoking cannabis will maybe not prevent you from getting infected by covid, but 2 cannabis compounds (CBDA and CBGA) have probably the potential to prevent getting infected and spreading the coronavirus.

You will not feel high lol 🙂

CBDA and CBGA could prevent SARS-CoV-2 from infecting human cells.

CBDA (Cannabidiolic acid) and Cannabigerolic acid (CBGA) are cannabinoids found in cannabis plants.

It is most abundant in the glandular trichomes on the female seedless flowers or more accurately infructescence often colloquially referred to as buds.

CBDA is the chemical precursor to cannabidiol (CBD). 

CBGA is the acidic form of cannabigerol (CBG).

Our study suggests two compounds found in commonly found in hemp — cannabigerolic acid (CBGA) and cannabidiolic acid (CBDA) — prevent coronavirus from entering cells that typically line internal organs and skin in a lab setting.

In the study, these acids were able to bind to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein — the same target used in COVID-19 vaccines and antibody therapy

Once bound, this step could block a critical step in the pathogen process used to infect the cell.

“That means cell entry inhibitors, like the acids from hemp, could be used to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection and also to shorten infections by preventing virus particles from infecting human cells

They bind to the spike proteins so those proteins can’t bind to the ACE2 enzyme, which is abundant on the outer membrane of endothelial cells in the lungs and other organs,”

Both cannabis compounds were found equally effective against the SARS-CoV-2 alpha and beta variants.

Let us create Heaven on Earth!

Kind regards, Michael Maas

Founder World Government Movement

Are the Ark of the Covenant with the 10 commandments in it in Ethiopa?

According the Holy Scriptures the Ark of the Covenant with the 10 commandments (the 2 stone tablets) in it are in Ethiopia today.

A short history of the Ark of the Covenant:

according to the Book of Exodus, God instructed Moses to build the Ark during his 40-day stay upon Mount Sinai

The 10 commandments given by God to Moses

After that the Ark of the Covenant travelled around the world from the day Moses build the Ark, but today it is in Ethiopia:

I will explain the story written in the Bible from the moment the Ark of the Covenant was in the hands of King Solomon (King of Israel at that time).

King Solomon had a meeting and sex with the Queen of Sheba (Queen of Ethiopia) written in the Bible, and they got a child together: Menelik I (this can be found in the Kebra Nagast).

When Menelik the I visited his father King Solomon, Solomon gave the Ark of the Covenant to Menelik the I who brought it to Ethiopia, where it is still today.

The Ark of the Covenant is very Holy, God Almighty killed Uzzah for touching the Ark of the Covenant for breaking a Divine law.

The Ark of the Covenant is protected today by Ethiopian Priests, for more information do research yourself 🙂

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Let us create Heaven on Earth!

Kind regards, Michael Maas

Founder World Government Movement

We believes in a UN de-weaponize treaty to achieve world peace.

To achieve World Peace and create Heaven on Earth, the World Government Movement believes the 193 United Nations member states should agree on a UN de-weaponize treaty.

The UN de-weaponize treaty means all UN member states agree to de-weaponize their weapons to achieve World Peace and create Heaven on Earth.

Join the World Government Movement if you believe that we can create a Heaven on Earth if we work together.

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Let us create Heaven on Earth!

God’s law about relationships and marriage.

According the Bible it is not allowed to commit adultery.

This means when you have a relationship or if you are married you shall not cheat on your partner.

But are human beings monogamous?

What is the interpretation/definition of monogamous?

Monogamous is being loyal towards your partner, in the eyes of the Almighty God.

This means when you have a relationship or if you are married you are allowed to make an agreement with your partner what the definition or interpretation of being monogamous is.

Whether you’re a male, female or non-binary, this doesn’t matter.

You make an agreement with your partner about whether it is allowed to kiss or have sex with someone else.

Because the true nature of human beings is that we feel sexually attracted to more than one person.

You can agree with your partner not to have sex with someone else, if one of the two feels bad about you agree on that.

This is up to the couple;

to decide how to treat each other on this topic in the relationship or marriage.

Jesus can only teach the world to get rid of jealousy,

this an emotion that can be controlled by every human being.

Being free from hate, mischief and jealousy.

If you have any questions feel free to comment.

God’s will is that we are all free and happy human beings.

Join the World Government Movement if you believe that we can create a Heaven on Earth if we work together.

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