Jesus did not come to abolish the law of the prophets but to fulfill them,
(Matthew 5:17).
According the Holy Quran, Allah gave prophet Muhammed the order to tell woman to wear a headscarf (often known as a ḥijāb).
The word ḥijāb occurs several times the Quran.
According the prophecies Jesus is the last prophet, in the Holy Quran; Muhammed is the last prophet until Isa al-Masih (Jesus in the Quran) will return.
Muslims are right Muhammed is the last prophet, but the last prophet in the Holy Quran. Muhammed prophecied Isa (Jesus) will return as the promised Messiah.
If Jesus will return He will come again with God’s law for the people how we should live to create Heaven on Earth.
So the will of God is that Christ will come with the law for woman wearing a headscarf as well.
God’s law about women wearing a headscarf is: it’s not an obligation, but a creed to the Almighty God.
Just as wearing a headgear for Jewish men is a creed to God.
Just as men having a beard can be a creed to God Almighty.
Jesus will teach the people to live a life without suffering, but one must follow Him to become enlightened and be relieved from suffering.
Conclusion a headscarf for woman is not an obligation but a creed to God Almighty.
We are all human beings, and we must share the same goal:
Heaven on Earth!
Join the World Government Movement if you believe that we can create a Heaven on Earth if we work together.
Psalm 2 is a living prophecy, happening right now.
Here is the full Psalm 2 of the King James Bible:
1 Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?
2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying,
3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.
4 He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.
5 Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure.
6 Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion.
7 I will declare the decree: the Lord hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee.
8 Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.
9 Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.
10 Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth.
11 Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling.
12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.
Join the World Government Movement if you believe that we can create a Heaven on Earth if we work together.
US President Joe Biden has arrived in Rome for an audience with Pope Francis ahead of the G20 summit of world leaders and after that the COP26climate conference in Glasgow.
Pope Francis and Joe Biden will discuss tackling COVID-19, climate change and poverty in talks which are a chance for the US president to set the tone for a crucial week.
Joe Biden, only the second Catholic President of the USA after John F Kennedy, spoke of the moment’s significance last month.
“I happen to be a practicing Catholic and one of the things I like about my pope today is he’s all about renewal and forgiveness, that’s what that’s what he’s about.
And I look forward to, I hope I get to see him in the not-too-distant future,” Joe Biden said in September.
The coming two weeks of global leaders meeting to save the world begins with a one-on-one between the leader of the planet’s biggest religious denomination and its most powerful superpower…
The G20 Summit will take place 30 and 31 October in Rome.
The United Kingdom will host the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow on 31 October – 12 November 2021.
Join the World Government Movement if you believe the World Leaders should collaborate more,
because together, with the help of God, we cancreate Heaven on Earth.
Pope Francis attends an International Meeting for Peace with leaders of various religions and confessions at Rome’s Colosseum, and urges everyone to work toward purifying our hearts so that peace might fill our world.
The St. Egidio Community has held a two-day peace meeting in Rome which was attended by numerous faith leaders from across the globe.
The 35th International Meeting for Peace concluded on Thursday evening with a prayer for peace at the Colosseum, which was attended by Pope Francis.
Held under the theme, “Peoples as Brothers, Future Earth“, the event saw the participation of religious leaders from Christianity, Islam, Hebraism, Buddhism, Tenrikyo, Hinduism, and Sikhism.
Participants from over 40 countries met to discuss how to “start again” in the “Spirit of Assisi”, which is one of friendship and dialogue.
Pope Francis wrapped up the Prayer for Peace meeting at the Colosseum which was attended by hundreds of people from various faith traditions.
Ahead of a moment of silence for the victims of all wars, the Pope offered the concluding address for the event, asking God to “demilitarize the human heart.”
He said the urgent task of religions is “in this delicate historical situation: to demilitarize the human heart.”
“As believers it is our responsibility to help eradicate hatred from human hearts and to condemn every form of violence,” he said, according Vatican News.
Join the World Government Movement if you believe the World Leaders should collaborate more,
because together, with the help of God, we cancreate Heaven on Earth.
President Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil claimed in front of his 114,000 fans on Tuesday: ‘only God could remove him from power and expel him from the country‘.
Bolsonaro has launched new attacks on Congress and the Supreme Court, claiming that these institutions are pursuing him and his political friends.
The Brazilian president is currently the subject of many investigations, which were just approved by the court.
Meanwhile, his approval rating continues to fall, with 61 percent of Brazilians judging his government’s performance as poor or extremely poor, according to a poll conducted by Atlas Institute.
When he first entered office in January 2019, his approval rating was only 23 percent.
Last week, he told Christian groups that he has three options for his future: ‘being arrested, dead, or victorious‘.
Evangelical leaders are some of Bolsonaro’s most fanatic supporters.
On Brazil’s Independence Day, protesters gathered in the streets to support the country’s president, while others demonstrated against him.
The World Government Movement is following the situation in Brazil closely and will keep you informed!
Join the World Government Movement if you believe the world leaders should collaborate more to create Heaven on Earth and become a member!
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It is written in Psalm 87 that Jesus Christ is born in Ethiopia.
Watch the video below to see how Bob Marley quotes Psalm 87 about Haile Selassie.
In this almost unknown video Bob Marley recites Psalm 87 that Haile Selassie is born in Ethiopia.
Click play to watch the video:
Bob Marley quotes Psalms 87 about Haile Selassie.
Here is Psalm 87 of the King James Version:
Psalm 87
1His foundation is in the holy mountains.
2 The Lord loveth the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob.
3 Glorious things are spoken of thee, O city of God. Selah.
4 I will make mention of Rahab and Babylon to them that know me: behold Philistia, and Tyre, withEthiopia; this man was born there.
5 And of Zion it shall be said, This and that man was born in her: and the highest himself shall establish her.
6 The Lord shall count, when he writeth up the people, that this man was born there. Selah.
7 As well the singers as the players on instruments shall be there: all my springs are in thee.
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Pope Francis on Friday met representatives of the European bishops’ conferences who are responsible for catechesis.
They were in Rome for a Vatican meeting.
Catechists are evangelizers who live from the celebration of the Eucharist and feel more vividly the passion to transmit the faith with the creativity and drive of the Holy Spirit.
“The privileged place of catechesis is precisely the Eucharistic celebration, where brothers and sisters come together to discover more and more the different ways of God’s presence in their lives.”
The Pope made the remark on Friday to some 80 delegates of the European bishops’ conferences who are responsible for catechesis.
They participated in a meeting on “Catechesis and Catechists for the New Evangelization“, promoted by the Vatican Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization.
Recalling the International Eucharistic Congress which he concluded on Sunday in theHungarian capital, Budapest, the Pope said that the commitment of catechists can be greatly effective in the work of evangelization if they keep their gaze fixed on the Eucharistic mystery.
Pope Francis recalled how Jesus, who had arranged everything for the Passover, sent his disciples saying, “Go into the city”.
“Christians, preparing to celebrate the culmination of the mystery of faith, are invited to go first “into the city”, to meet people busy with their daily commitments.”
Catechesis, Pope Francis said, is not an abstract communication of theoretical knowledge of formulas to be memorized, but is the mystagogical experience of those who learn to meet their brothers and sisters where they live and work, because they themselves have met Christ, who has called them to become missionary disciples, according Vatican News.
Join the World Government Movement if you believe the world leaders should unite and work together to create a Paradise on Earth with the help of God.[ultimatemember_social_login id=691]
Haile Selassie was the second coming of Jesus Christ according Rastas because He is the son of King David, according the Bible.
Please read the whole story to understand why Haile Selassie was the second coming of Jesus Christ.
It is often in the Bible (old testament) written that the son of king David will be the promised Messiah (Jesus Christ).
This prophecy came true because Yeshua(the Hebrew name for Jesus, +-2000 years ago),the first coming of Jesus Christ (crusified for the sins of men) is from the offspring of King David.
Joseph, the father of Jesus is a descendant of King David.
But I did a big discovery: Haile Selassie I is born from the root of King David as well!
I will explain you why Haile Selassie is born from the offspring of King David as well according the Bible:
King David was as you maybe know the King of Israel (ca. 1000 BCE).
His second son, King Solomon who succeeded his father as King of Israel had a visit, this is written in the Bible, with the Queen of Ethiopia: theQueen of Sheba.
You have to have some Bible knowledge to know that King Solomon was the second son of King David, but succeeded King David as King of Israel because the first son of King David was killed.
After the meeting betweenKing Solomon and the Queen of Sheba they got a child together: Menelik I.
Menelik I was the first emperor of Ethiopia and descent of King David, ruling in the 10th century BC.
Here it is: Haile Selassie is a descendant of Menelik I, so Haile Selassie is born from the root of king David.
The whole bloodline from King David to Haile Selassie I is written in the HolyEthiopian book Kebra Nagast.
The Divine bloodline from King Solomon (Solomon isthe second son of King David) to Haile Selassie is called the Solomonic Dynasty.
Haile Selassie I was the last King from the Divine bloodline from the root of King David, and the King of Ethiopia was called King of Kings.
Jesus Christ is called King of Kings as well in the Bible, so this can not be a coincidence.
So the whole point is: Haile Selassie I is from the offspring of King David: son of David!
That’s why Haile Selassie I is JesusChrist, because He is son of King David according the Bible.
Jesus Christ is born twice from the root of King David!
Ras Tafari Makonnen, the original name of Haile Selassie I, was born on the 23th of July 1892 and confirmed death at the 27th of August 1975.
Haile Selassie I was an Ethiopian regent from 1916 to 1930 and emperor from 1930 to 1974and did great things for mankind!
Haile Selassie I was as King of Ethiopia founding member of the:
United Nations (1945).
The World Bank (1944).
The Organisation of African Unity (1963), (this is today the African Union).
The Food and Agriculture Organization (1945)and more…
Haile Selassie founder of the United Nations
One of His biggest disciples was Reggae musicianBob Marley, because the word of the prophet Bob Marley reached the whole world.
Bob Marley was a leading figure in the Rastafari Movement, and preachedthe gospel about Haile Selassie being Christ in his music.
Haile Selassie is mentioned many times in the Holy Bible, here are a few:
Psalm 87:
87 1His foundation is in the holy mountains.
2 The Lord loveth the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob.
3 Glorious things are spoken of thee, O city of God. Selah.
4 I will make mention of Rahab and Babylon to them that know me: behold Philistia, and Tyre, with Ethiopia; this man was born there.
In Psalm 87 God tells us that it will be said that Jesus Christ was born in Ethiopia.
In the right approach to the Bible, Haile Selassie is mentioned in Genesis 49:9 and Revelation 5:5.
Here the Bible refers to Emperor Haile Selassie I:
Haile Selassie I with the titles “KING of Kings, LORD of lords, Conquering Lion of Judah, Elect of God, the Light of the World”.
Bob Marley praising Haile Selassie I
And it is believed Haile Selassie is the rider on the white horse in Revelation 19:
Haile Selassie in the book of Revelation
In conclusion: Haile Selassie is the Biblical second coming of Jesus Christ because He is an offspringof King David.
Join the World Government Movement if you believe the World Leaders should collaborate more,
because together, with the help of God, we cancreate Heaven on Earth.
One highlight of Pope Francis’ visit to Slovakiawas Tuesday’s meeting with the Roma community in Kosice during which he called for their integration.
“Judgement and prejudice only increase distances, hostility and sharp words are not helpful.
Marginalizing others accomplishes nothing.
Segregating ourselves and other people eventually leads to anger.”
Pope Francis used these words to condemn the discrimination that the Roma people face, stressing: “the path to peaceful coexistence is integration.”
Pointing to what Jesus said, “Do not judge”, Pope Francis lamented the gossip or rumours we pass or theprejudices, judgements and labelswe tag others with, but consider ourselves justified.
“In this way,” he said, “we disfigure by our words the beauty of the children of God, who are our brothers and sisters“.
“We cannot reduce the reality of others to fit our own pre-packaged ideas; people cannot be pigeonholed.”
Our knowledge and appreciation of others must be grounded in our acknowledgement that each of them possesses the inviolable beauty of ason or daughter of God, a reflection of the Creator’s image, according Vatican News.
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