According UN news the United Nations Security Counsil urged to strengthen mulilateralism to overcome our global challenges.
Various speakers addressed the UN security counsil for better cooperation between countries by strengthening multilateralism.
The UN Security Council met yesterday on Cooperation between the UN and the European Union in maintaining international peace and security.

Multilateralism is when at least three governments participate in a particular issue or to try to solve a problem.
Multilateralism is an example of cooperation among world governments and used in contrast with unilateralism.
Unilateralism is when a state acts without regard to the support or interests of other states.
The world government movement strongly support the United Nations security counsil in this matter.
We believe strengthening multilateralism will lead to improvement of the relationships between world leaders and countries.
Join the world government movement if you believe the world leaders should unite and work together to create a paradise on Earth.[ultimatemember_social_login id=691]
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