Category: United Nations (Page 1 of 11)

Jesus Christ will return to reign over the world government.

The World Government Movement believes Jesus will return to reign over the coming world government.

Almost every country is gathered at the United Nations General Assembly (193 countries), and we believe Jesus Christ will return soon to guide these world leaders and lead us to a Paradise on Earth.

According the Bible, Jesus Christ will reign over all nations, so this might be true.

It is written in Isaiah 9:6 that Jesus will rule the world government:

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

Isaiah 9:6

To our conclusion this means one governmenta world government.

Jesus will advise and be a mediator for all world leaders, because Jesus is called wonderful counsellor and mediator between God and mankind.

As written before, we see the United Nations general assembly (193 countries) as the beginning of the world government.

The signs of Jesus Christ His return in the Bible are happening, for example in Matthew 24 6:8 KJV:

And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

All these are the beginning of sorrows.

The world government movement believes the coronavirus is one of these pestelinces as written in Matthew 24.

On the photo above Jesus Christ is shaking hands with the United Nations chief Antonio Guterres.

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UN chief pays second call on Ukraine, will visit grain-exporting Black Sea Port.

Secretary-General António Guterres arrived on Wednesday to Lviv, the largest city in Western Ukraine.

During his visit, the UN chief will stop by one of the three Ukrainian ports involved in the framework of the Black Sea Initiative to export wheat grain.

Prior to the start of the conflict in February, Ukraine was exporting up to six million tonnes of grain a month. 

However, the war triggered grain shortages that have left African countries among the most heavily impacted.

Yesterday as the first humanitarian boat under the Initiative left for the Horn of Africa, the head of the World Food Programme (WFP), David Beasley, had said that getting the Black Sea Ports open is “the single most important thing we can do right now”.  

“It will take more than grain ships out of Ukraine to stop world hunger, but with Ukrainian grain back on global markets we have a chance to stop this global food crisis from spiraling even further,” he stated, according UN News.

Vladimir Putin: the West provokes war with Russia on Tuesday 1 Feb.

Russian President Vladimir Putin accused the West on Tuesday of deliberately creating a scenario designed to lure it into war and ignoring Russia’s security concerns over Ukraine.

As tensions rise:

“Let’s imagine Ukraine is a NATO member and starts these military operations.

Are we supposed to go to war with the NATO bloc?

Has anyone given that any thought?

Apparently not,” Putin said.

The World Government Movement believes both parties must seek peace!

To be continued…

We believes in a UN de-weaponize treaty to achieve world peace.

To achieve World Peace and create Heaven on Earth, the World Government Movement believes the 193 United Nations member states should agree on a UN de-weaponize treaty.

The UN de-weaponize treaty means all UN member states agree to de-weaponize their weapons to achieve World Peace and create Heaven on Earth.

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Every human being should be able to go to the International Court of Justice.

The World Government Movement believes every human being should be able to go the International Court of Justice for a case that is not internationally justified by law.

If an individual is not treated right in their own country by the court in their country everyone should be able to go to the highest court, wich should be the International Court of Justice.

Michael Maas: ‘Every human being should be able to go the International Court of Justice for a case that is not internationally justified by law’.

Join the World Government Movement if you believe that we can create a Heaven on Earth if we work together.

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Kind regards, Michael Maas

Founder World Government Movement

Malta becomes first EU country to legalise cannabis.

Malta has become the first EU country to legalise the cultivation and personal use of cannabis.

Adults will be allowed to carry up to seven grams of cannabis, and grow no more than four plants at home.

But smoking it in public or in front of children will be illegal.

Several other nations have similar plans, such as Germany, Luxembourg and Switzerland.

Countries like the Netherlands tolerate cannabis use in certain circumstances.

The move by Malta, the EU’s smallest member state, is likely to be the first of a number of nations changing their cannabis laws after the United Nations last year reclassified cannabis to recognise its therapeutic uses.

The governments of Luxembourg, Germany and Switzerland have all announced plans to establish a legally regulated market, according BBC.

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God’s law of woman wearing a headscarf.

Jesus did not come to abolish the law of the prophets but to fulfill them,

(Matthew 5:17).

According the Holy Quran,
Allah gave prophet Muhammed the order to tell woman to wear a headscarf (often known as a ḥijāb).

The word ḥijāb occurs several times the Quran.

According the prophecies Jesus is the last prophet,
in the Holy Quran; Muhammed is the last prophet until Isa al-Masih (Jesus in the Quran) will return.

Muslims are right Muhammed is the last prophet, but the last prophet in the Holy Quran.
Muhammed prophecied Isa (Jesus) will return as the promised Messiah.

If Jesus will return He will come again with God’s law for the people how we should live to create Heaven on Earth.

So the will of God is that Christ will come with the law for woman wearing a headscarf as well.

God’s law about women wearing a headscarf is:
it’s not an obligation, but a creed to the Almighty God

Just as wearing a headgear for Jewish men is a creed to God.

Just as men having a beard can be a creed to God Almighty.

Jesus will teach the people to live a life without suffering,
but one must follow Him to become enlightened and be relieved from suffering.

Conclusion a headscarf for woman is not an obligation but a creed to God Almighty.

We are all human beings, and we must share the same goal:

Heaven on Earth!

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Let us create Heaven on Earth!

A Letter to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth by Michael Maas.

Dear Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth,

I already sent the same letter to various world leaders.

Because I believe we can create Heaven on Earth if the world leaders form a world government.

Because if we work in unity there is order not chaos we are living in right now…

I am the founder of the World Government Movement and I believe our common goal should be creating Heaven on Earth.

Especially our world leaders should share this common goal and work together…

The website is:

Will you think about what you can do to help sharing this common goal?

My LinkedIn is:

Kind regards,

Michael Maas

Join the World Government Movement if you believe that we can create a Heaven on Earth if we work together.

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World leaders take major step to restore and protect forests at COP26.

A pivotal pledge to save and restore our planet’s forests was officially announced on the second day of the COP26 World Leaders Summit in Glasgow.

With that deal came a long list of commitments from public and private sector actors to combat climate change, curb biodiversity destruction and hunger, and to protect indigenous peoples’ rights.

A film narrated by Sir David Attenborough played on the screens at the COP26:

By destroying forests, we are harming biodiversity and our lives

Forests provide fresh water, clean the air we breathe, inspire spiritual value, and provide us with food

Our challenge now must be to halt deforestation and beginning to restore forests.

It is a huge undertaking, and every country will need their own table approach.

United Kingdom Prime Minister Boris Johnson came to the podium to announce that at least 110 countries representing 85 per cent of the planet’s forests had signed the pivotal COP26 Glasgow Leaders Declaration on Forests and Land Use, committing to halt and reverse deforestation by 2030.

Protecting our forest is not only a course of action for tackling climate change but also for a more prosperous future,” he said.

Boris Johnson highlighted that China, Russia and Brazil have also joined the promise, which he believed could be also a ‘parallel’ opportunity for job creation.

Russian President, Vladimir Putin, and well as Brazil’s, Jair Bolsonaro, appeared in a pre-recorded message supporting the pledge, among other leaders absent from the COP.

“Signing the Declaration is the easy part.

It is essential that it is implemented now for people and the planet,” UN chief António Guterres urged on his official twitter account, according UN News.

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Russian President Putin and Chinese Xi Jinping not attending COP26.

President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and President of China Xi Jinping will not attend COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland.

COP26 takes place in Scotland’s largest city from 31 October to 12 November.

Russia‘s decision is seen as a blow to efforts to get leaders to negotiate a new deal to stall rising global temperatures.

A Kremlin spokesperson said climate change was an “important” priority for Russia.

Unfortunately, Putin will not fly to Glasgow,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters, adding that climate change was “one of our foreign policy’s most important priorities“.

China‘s Xi Jinping will only address the COP26 summit with a written statement.

China’s lack of engagement comes despite its large contribution to global emissions

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