World Food Day is not only a reminder of the importance of what we eat to everyone on the planet, but also “a call to action to achieve food security around the world”, the United Nations chief said in his message marking the World Food Day on Friday.

Commemorated annually on 15 October, UN Secretary-General António Guterres pointed out that currently, almost 40 per cent of humanity, some three billion people, can’t afford to eat healthily.

And as hunger, undernourishment, and obesity are on the rise, the economic impacts of COVID-19 “have made a bad situation even worse”, he said.

Noting that the pandemic has left an additional 140 million peopleunable to access the food they need”.

At the same time, the way we produce, consume and waste food is taking a heavy toll on our planet.

It is putting historic pressure on our natural resources, climate and natural environment, and costing us trillions of dollars a year”, warned the UN chief.

Reference this year’s theme that the power to change is in our hands, he spelled out that “our actions are our future”.

Last month, the world took part in the landmark UN Food Systems Summit, which set the stage to transform food systems everywhere to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.

The UN chief recalled that during the summit: “countries made bold commitments to make healthy diets more affordable and accessible and to make food systems more efficient, resilient and sustainable at every step”.

We can all change how we consume food, and make healthier choices, for ourselves, and our planet”, said the UN Secretary-General.

In our food systems, there is hope”, according UN News.

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